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Character Sketch

  Another writing assignment from my writing class   Character Sketch and development    Although Emma looked graceful in her flirty floral surplice dress that flounced below the waist, everyone could hear her coming down the hall. She walked fast and she walked loud. Thump, clump, thump, was the sound she made promenading from her desk to the copy machine. “Here comes Emma” was on the minds of her co-workers. Co-workers were then greeted by Emma with a cheerful grin and a bubbly “good morning, how was your weekend?” as she passed by.      Emma had only worked in her new role as assistant to the Community Outreach Director for 3 months, but she was the best candidate of the twenty-four that had applied. She was thrilled when she was offered the position and hoping this was the beginning of a new career.   It did not take long to before Emma was part of the work family, she fit in so easily and they felt as if she was their daughter.      The office was buzzing, and everyone was so
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