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Showing posts from August, 2009

Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.

We all have talents. Some are veiled and some are in the open. I have several friends that helped me get through the first few days after Jonny's accident. Lynne helped with the logistics of getting the memorial organized, and driving me to see my son Brandon to tell him the tragic news. Crystal gathered the pictures and the stories of Jonny with me, his brother, his family, and his friends to decorate the display board. Peggy and Ruth were able to comfort me, with their empathetic abilities, having similar losses. My sister and Mom, comforting me and only wishing the plane from Florida brought them sooner. My friend Debbie, whose comforting words, caring and the ability to know what else I needed, such as bringing a wonderful stew, to nourish us and keep my strength up. The list goes on and on. The talents and kindness continues....all of these people were put into my life at different times and different areas. I know that God put them into my life for a reason...I am forever gra...

Rainy Days & Tuesdays

I have been without my Internet since Sunday morning....modem (Internet service) problems. I am back on board. It is a rainy evening, but at least I have power, so far any ways. Thanks to my followers for their sweet comments on my upholstery blog. I wrote in one of my old post, of how I miss getting ready for the school year. Shopping for new clothes, books, school supplies.....the boys were so excited to get something new...well, my church is asking for volunteers to help put together school kits for Lutheran World Relief Ingathering....How exciting, not only do I get to shop for school supplies, but I can help out a child, and bring a smile to their face.

Uphostered Chairs

I bought a "Farmhouse Table" for $5.00 at a rummage sale last May. It came with 2 chairs, so I have been looking for 4 more. I found 4 chairs a week ago, for $30.00. The wood was in good shape, the padding on the seats were in good shape, however, the material was faded and stained. This is my first time re-upholstering a chair, it was fun, easy and did not take long. I bought extra material to make window valances. I found the material on sale, that matched my decor and taste. In fact it is similar to the one already on it.