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Showing posts from May, 2010

Memorial Day

Well I thought when the semester was over, I would have time to post on my blog....busy, busy, busy..... Well I had my rummage sale, a great sunny day for it...did pretty well. That is one thing to check off the list. Now I am off to see my son Brandon today, then visit my friend Joanna.....tonight I am going to HerrinFesta Italiana with my co-workers....lots of good food and good entertainment. Luke Bryan is playing tonight at 9:30, or as my friend texted me Vt0 (she forgot to use the function button on her cell phone, thought it meant she was going to veto me from now that is her new nickname) Tomorrow I will place flowers for Jonny....I miss him so much. To everyone, safe travels, safe Memorial Day and remember those who lost their lives for our freedom.

Garage Sales

Well the semester is over and I finally get to blog again. The first weekend in May, holds one of the biggest Garage Sale in this area......I never miss it, but unfortunately the semester was winding down, and stress got the better of me. I stayed home like an obedient student..So I thought, I will go this weekend....what a bust, not because the community had bad sales, but the rain spoiled every ones I took my friend Debbie's advice, I went home and watched movies.....At least it was relaxing.... However, I still have the garage sale bug, so now I want to have one. I moved into my new house last August (3 days before Fall Semester began) and I have yet to go through the closets and organize. My pile of "get rid of" began to grow.....Purging is so much as my friend/co-worker Sandy always says "therefore, henceforth, there forth"....I decided to have a garage sale....The good news is that I can get everything in the garage ready the night b...