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Showing posts from November, 2014

Life is good

So much has happened since the last time I blogged....2011 was such a busy and transitional year. Amidst completing my practicum while obtaining my Masters degree in Public Health, I was laid off from my job. On the positive side this allowed me to focus on my last class and my practicum, while I networked hoping to get a position as a Health Educator. Well, I graduated May 2011, but it wasn't until November 2011 before I was hired as a part time (5-10 hours a week). In the meantime, my past supervisor hired me back and I was able to work both jobs. A month later I met a wonderful man, whom I am now married to. 2012 turned out to be even better. February my part time position turned into full time and I was on my way to my new career as a health educator. Then in June the love of my life and I were married. My new life began and I moved to a new town. Although I enjoyed my job, had great co-workers and a wonderful job, the long distant driving was wearing on me. F...