Summer 1969 Chapter One The Plane Although she had lived in five states throughout her life, with the first three by the time, she was eight years old, Laura Ann had never traveled by airplane until she was ten. She had no idea that she would be flying with her sister Susie, until a couple weeks prior to packing for a summer trip in Ohio. She turned ten in March, school ended for the summer in June, and just like that she was in the air flying over the Grand Canyon and eating a tray of airline food. Susie was thirteen at the time, in fact she just turned thirteen a week and a half after school dismissed for summer. She was very mature for her age; however, Laura Ann did not see this as mature, but rather saw it as being bossy. “Of course, since I am the oldest,” Susie stated, “I get to sit by the window.” Laura Ann started to pout, which she usually does, but then the friendly Airline ...
On the beach at night alone, As the old mother sways her to and fro, singing her husky song, As I watch the bright stars shining—I think a thought of the clef of the universes, and of the future. by Walt Whitman