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Showing posts from October, 2024
The Parade   Hurry! You Know we are going to miss the parade. Laura always over exaggerated and was a bit nervous and anxiety driven. She did not want to miss out on anything. Always afraid the if she closed her eyes for one minute, she would miss something important or something important would miss her. Her sister Veronica, also known as Roni to friends, had the total opposite personality, she was “cool as a cucumber” as the saying goes. “What is the rush” Roni said, “Tommy is going to save us spot. It is a least 30 minutes before it starts and it only takes us 10 minutes to walk there.” “You just don’t care,” Laura said with a pout on her lips. “I do care,” Roni retorted back “Wellllllllll, then let’s go” So, off the two girls went chatting all the way and just when they reached Main St. and started to turn left to where the allocated seats were. In turning, they were almost run over by the parade goers. “What is going on?” Laura and Roni spouted out in unison ...