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New template

Well everything old is new the saying goes. It was time for a change. I wanted something Spring like. I may change it around a bit, still playing with it. Like a kid with a new toy, it has my attention right now. It is kind of fun, but I may need to change some of the colors around. I got an email from the blogger team and it did not take much to convince me to try it out. My next step is getting my music back on. I guess I lost it when I took a break from blogging.


  1. I love the new fresh look, so many have been spring cleaning their blogs and they all look wonderful.
    I miss your music as well, I loved the song that first opened your blog (I could never find out the name of the singer or the song)

    Have a great weekend........:-) Hugs

  2. Your blog looks like it's ready for springtime!

    Kat :)

  3. I don't know what the old template looked like but I do like the way your page looks. And I like the colors.

  4. Thanks for the comments Bernie, Kat and Lee. I thought it would brighten up my page for Spring. It was fun playing around with the different colors and templates.

  5. Oh, it does look like Spring here! Very happy!
    'Makes me smile!


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