Every week I will post 5 things I know....
S - Sweater...I love sweaters. In fact that it is the only thing I like about cold weather. Growing up in Las Vegas and California, I only wore light sweaters, but now living in the Midwest, I wear a lot of sweaters in the winter. Unfortunately, my favorite sweaters tend to get fuzz balls and it makes them look old and dingy. Well thanks to Pinterest I found a handy dandy tip of using a razor to remove them. I just buy the cheap ones and from that tip, there are some things I learned in the process. First of all, hold the sweater taut, so you don't snag it. Second, it is time consuming. And third, it is a little bit of a fuzzy mess. Wow, does it work and the sweater looks beautiful.
A - Always, always, always make time for your family, friends, church and those less fortunate than you. So many people have touched my life and were a rock of support when I was going through a difficult time. They had busy lives and difficulties of their own and yet they were there for me.
N- Never say never.... isn't that from a James Bond movie. I try to keep this in mind. Through the years I have caught myself saying "I will never...." and did. It may be months, weeks or years down the road, but yep, it happened.
D- Daily Devotional. I used to get daily devotional via email. I would eat my breakfast while I would hop on the computer before going to work. These daily devotional helped me get through the day and get back on track. Unfortunately the stopped out of the blue so I found a few other sites. One is Rachel Wojo - Encouraging Fresh Faith. She has a great blog and I get daily emails. Another is a book I received at church called "Rediscover Jesus" by Matthew Kelly and it a 40 day spiritual journey, just in time for Lent. I read a chapter a day. They are short and each offers: 1. Point to Ponder 2.Verse to Live 3. Question to Consider 4. Prayer. I am truly blessed to have come across all this information.
Y- You can de-clutter, discard and organize by going to blogs, Pinterest and reading organizing books. I went to lunch with a friend and she told me about Marie Kondo, her organizing techniques and her book "The life-changing magic of tidying up". I love the thought process, the tips (albeit I already do some of them to an extent) and enjoyed reading her book (I am half way, but it is nice to read, especially because she thinks like me or is it I think like her). If you need helping purging, de-cluttering or organizing, this is the route to go.
S - Sweater...I love sweaters. In fact that it is the only thing I like about cold weather. Growing up in Las Vegas and California, I only wore light sweaters, but now living in the Midwest, I wear a lot of sweaters in the winter. Unfortunately, my favorite sweaters tend to get fuzz balls and it makes them look old and dingy. Well thanks to Pinterest I found a handy dandy tip of using a razor to remove them. I just buy the cheap ones and from that tip, there are some things I learned in the process. First of all, hold the sweater taut, so you don't snag it. Second, it is time consuming. And third, it is a little bit of a fuzzy mess. Wow, does it work and the sweater looks beautiful.
A - Always, always, always make time for your family, friends, church and those less fortunate than you. So many people have touched my life and were a rock of support when I was going through a difficult time. They had busy lives and difficulties of their own and yet they were there for me.
N- Never say never.... isn't that from a James Bond movie. I try to keep this in mind. Through the years I have caught myself saying "I will never...." and did. It may be months, weeks or years down the road, but yep, it happened.
D- Daily Devotional. I used to get daily devotional via email. I would eat my breakfast while I would hop on the computer before going to work. These daily devotional helped me get through the day and get back on track. Unfortunately the stopped out of the blue so I found a few other sites. One is Rachel Wojo - Encouraging Fresh Faith. She has a great blog and I get daily emails. Another is a book I received at church called "Rediscover Jesus" by Matthew Kelly and it a 40 day spiritual journey, just in time for Lent. I read a chapter a day. They are short and each offers: 1. Point to Ponder 2.Verse to Live 3. Question to Consider 4. Prayer. I am truly blessed to have come across all this information.
Y- You can de-clutter, discard and organize by going to blogs, Pinterest and reading organizing books. I went to lunch with a friend and she told me about Marie Kondo, her organizing techniques and her book "The life-changing magic of tidying up". I love the thought process, the tips (albeit I already do some of them to an extent) and enjoyed reading her book (I am half way, but it is nice to read, especially because she thinks like me or is it I think like her). If you need helping purging, de-cluttering or organizing, this is the route to go.
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