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Showing posts from April, 2020

Favorite Author

As I mentioned in my last post, I met an author on the plane coming home from Washington D.C. to St. Louis. Her name is Susan Meissner and not only was she a delight to talk to, but I am truly enjoying her books. I have read 5 since we met last September. My second business trip was to Palo Alto, California for a week long training. Although the training was great, I did appreciate the opportunity to have some downtime to read on the flight to and from California to St. Louis. My trip was March 2nd to March 7th and although COVID-19 was just starting to spread in the U.S., there were not any restrictions of self-isolation or sheltering in place. However, once I returned home and to work, Northern California - Bay area, was on the list. So I have been working from home since. The reason for me setting the stage for this story, is that I found it coincidence, fate, ironic, what have you, that the book I chose was "As Bright As Heaven". Why am I feeling this way? It is bec...

Stop waiting for time - time isn't waiting for you.

It has been a long time since I posted on my blog. A lot has happened in the last 4 years. Job changes, travel, my husband retiring. Lots and lots of changes. I have always wanted to write, a book, a novel, an article, poems..... but life happens and excuses are a plenty. I have dabbled with writing throughout the years, such as school assignments, a couple of poems published in the local free news papers and so on. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I changed jobs recently and with this job I had an opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. for a conference. It was a very interesting conference, we were blessed with beautiful weather, and had a chance to do a little sightseeing. However, the best part of the trip was when a pleasant woman asked if the seat next to me was available. "Yes" I said and then continued to get settled in anxious to get back home, and back to my routine. Then we began a  conversation. You know the usual "Are you traveling for business ...