He turned around just in time to see her walk out the door. Their spat had been little, not like most spats. However, he thought this one may be the end of their relationship. So many times, they would break up, only to get back together again. Oh, but wasn’t the making up great. Didn’t it feel like they had just met for the first time.
What was it that made this time different? Was it the look on her face? Or the last words that came out of his mouth or hers? No, it was something else, something so strong, something that felt so lifeless.
He pondered on what to do next. His mind wandered to all the memories they shared both good and bad. Like the time the drove from Napa Valley to southern California down Highway 1. The smell of the fresh air, listen to the ocean waves against the rocks, the coolness of the breeze. Such sweet memories. “Slow down” she would say, “Slow down you are scaring me”. This did not stop him for he was an adventurous sort of man. He loved having his hands on the steering wheel, gripping it and feeling in control, turning to the left and then the right and then the left again, following the curve of the highway.
Then that night they walked on the beach, hand and hand. Listening to the same waves crashing on the shore, the same cool breeze and smelling the fresh air. But now they were safe, no more “slow down you are scaring me” because she was in his arms, feeling safe and secure. He gently kissed her on her forehead, and she murmured. “This is where I am supposed to be”.
He cherished the days like the one where they drove down the coast. If only every day was like that. If only, they both felt content. If only they never had an argument, and all was right in the world. At least their world.
Now the time has come to decide do I chase her or do I let her go. He had a sinking gut feeling that the making up would not be the same. They would go through the motions, mimicking what they had done before, but that was it only motions. No true feelings, each time getting further and further apart. Mentally, physically, emotionally. Again, what should I do? What is she feeling? What reaction will I get from my actions? These were all going through his head.
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