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Grief - it never ends, but changes. 

To help with my own grief and those who I encounter, I have started a grief support group.  I am part of a club that I don't want to belong to, but it makes my heart ache to see others suffering. Helping others, helps me through my struggles of grief and I hope it is helping them as well. I am constantly researching, attending seminars, webinars, reading, etc. on grief to better supporting others as well as myself. 

This poem below is from one of my activities that I participated in during a wellness session of a meeting I attended. It was not a grief- based activity, but I used it as a tool to pour out my emotions and feelings.

Here is the 5- minute Free Write Word Prompts activity. The words used were:
Encounter, after work, morning routine, nature, animal, sharp, soft and a road.  
You can use any words for the prompts, but here is my poem stemming from those given to me.

Driving down the country road

I think of relaxing soft furry throw

Wrapping around me, comforting me

As I read my daily readings

I see the birds in the trees

But the pain is like a sharp knife

With the reminders of his smile, his strength

Now all is gone and perished into dust

Only his soul and memories

Bring the tears to my eyes

And fear to my heart

His voice is still in my mind

Gone too soon, gone with the wind

If only I could keep driving, straight back to him and see his smiley face

And tell me it is all a bad dream


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