Sarah crouched behind the Queen Anne chair in her grandmother’s parlor.
Eyes closed tightly; she
held her breath. Tears left dirty tracks as they slid down her face.
Don’t cry, she
whispered to herself. It will only make it worse.
Maybe I can just hide
here until everyone leaves. She repeated in her mind over and over.
Her dress was both
tattered and dirty, hanging limply from her body like an old rag.
Mama was reluctant to
purchase the dress, with Sarah being a tomboy. She also knew mama could never
say “no” to those big blue eyes.
I shouldn’t have begged mama
to buy the periwinkle blue cotton dress. She thought. But
it was so pretty, and I look so pretty wearing it…I also love the word
periwinkle... It is fun to say it.
As she was adjusting the
grey sash that was tied into a bow around her waist, she gasped
Look at was once
white and lovely. Now look at it!
Should have listened to
mama? Mama said to change clothes before playing by the riverbank with Katie
and Ben?
Her entire body trembled
while she patiently listened for the footsteps coming down the hallway.
Oh, no…oh no… someone is coming
Footsteps. Louder and
louder …stop sobbing… be quiet…you will be found. She thought holding
her breath.
The footsteps. Closer and
closer. The door creaked as the handle turned slowly.
If only I could hide
until everyone leave, she kept repeating to herself.
Mama’s silhouette
appeared in the door frame. It wasn’t until she entered the room that mama’s
angered face was visible.
Sarah slowly came out
from behind the chair. Once mama spotted her fearful daughter in the raggedy
torn dress, her grimace slowly turned into a snicker, followed by uncontrollable
laughter. Sarah laughed too, because she did not know what else to do.
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