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Showing posts from 2010

All That Glitters Giveaway!!

Go to for the fantastic giveaway.... She is giving away a metal rooster sign, a set of Paula Deen measuring cups,and a Paula Deen skillet fried apple pie candle! How exciting....Now I do think that Rooster sign would look great in my kitchen of Roosters and I do like Paula Deen......but I also enjoy following her blog... So go to All That Glitters and good luck to all


"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” Harvey MacKay We need to make good use of our time. Time is precious. Use it wisely....

Goodwill and Decorating

Our Goodwill store has moved into a much bigger building. It used to be a furniture store. Not only is the building bigger and cleaner, but the items seem to be nicer and lower priced. I obtained several frames, a beautiful painted tray, pillow pattern, and much more. The lowest price I paid was 50 cents, and the highest was $2.00....Total $27.00..... It is hard to see in the picture, but the round plaque has a rose on it, it says "God's love is seen in a single rose"... Lots of good finds.... I also was busy making a craft with picture frames, picture hangers and burlap that I bought at previous garage sales. The shells I have had for years, from on of the many trips to Florida to see family...

Painting and Decorating

My plan for this summer (before I went back to school) was to do more blogging....that did not happen, because I have been painting and decorating and going to garage sales....and you name here is a little bit of what has been going on in my world This is the before picture of my living room. I just moved into this house last August and still need to paint the walls and get new drapes (or at least new valances).... Painting the table black made such a transition from the country look... Love the "Fern Green" paint I got for free, it really made a difference on this plant stand. I have had this book case since 1998, I was ready for a change. Much better, same "Fern Green" paint used on plant stand. In addition to painting furniture, I have been decorating the walls. One of the projects was the cute idea that I found on someones blog site. I can't remember which one it was, but I liked the idea. If it is from your site and you are reading this, I apologiz...

Summertime, Garage Sales and Flea Markets

Summertime is here and I have been to a local flea market....I had a garage sales the Saturday before Memorial Day to get rid of the old and bring in the new.....or "new to me"..... I found burlap, a picture frame, window sheers, home decor, three accent pillows to go with the new bedspread in the master bedroom....and much, much more.....I even found a free-standing garden trellis for $15.00, original price was $112.00.....looks great in the garden....I have not decide what viney flower I will grow, yet....All in all I spent $30.00 including the trellis... I am still looking for more window treatments for the master bedroom, but there are more garage sales and flea markets out there waiting for me.....Happy Hunting everyone...

Memorial Day

Well I thought when the semester was over, I would have time to post on my blog....busy, busy, busy..... Well I had my rummage sale, a great sunny day for it...did pretty well. That is one thing to check off the list. Now I am off to see my son Brandon today, then visit my friend Joanna.....tonight I am going to HerrinFesta Italiana with my co-workers....lots of good food and good entertainment. Luke Bryan is playing tonight at 9:30, or as my friend texted me Vt0 (she forgot to use the function button on her cell phone, thought it meant she was going to veto me from now that is her new nickname) Tomorrow I will place flowers for Jonny....I miss him so much. To everyone, safe travels, safe Memorial Day and remember those who lost their lives for our freedom.

Garage Sales

Well the semester is over and I finally get to blog again. The first weekend in May, holds one of the biggest Garage Sale in this area......I never miss it, but unfortunately the semester was winding down, and stress got the better of me. I stayed home like an obedient student..So I thought, I will go this weekend....what a bust, not because the community had bad sales, but the rain spoiled every ones I took my friend Debbie's advice, I went home and watched movies.....At least it was relaxing.... However, I still have the garage sale bug, so now I want to have one. I moved into my new house last August (3 days before Fall Semester began) and I have yet to go through the closets and organize. My pile of "get rid of" began to grow.....Purging is so much as my friend/co-worker Sandy always says "therefore, henceforth, there forth"....I decided to have a garage sale....The good news is that I can get everything in the garage ready the night b...

You Grow Girl

I was at Menards the other day getting gardening supplies and window shopping,looking at all the goodies I would love to put in my yard. I came across a book called "You Grow Girl" by Gayla Trail, for $6.00. I figured I can't go wrong at that price. It has everything from planning to planting to cute little projects. The projects are marked from "easy peasy" to "get down and dirty". It is a handy little book, since my gardening expertise is at a minumum. I am fortunate to have two neighbors who help me out. Both have beautiful yards. One looks like an English garden, the other is more formal. Myself, I am kinda in between. I like both, so mine is a mixture. My plan this Spring is to landscape the side yard and have a patio poured in the back yard. I was given free patio furniture and it needs a place to sit. So I am taking advantage of the beautiful weather we have been enjoying the last several days, and digging in the dirt..... So, how does your gard...

New template

Well everything old is new the saying goes. It was time for a change. I wanted something Spring like. I may change it around a bit, still playing with it. Like a kid with a new toy, it has my attention right now. It is kind of fun, but I may need to change some of the colors around. I got an email from the blogger team and it did not take much to convince me to try it out. My next step is getting my music back on. I guess I lost it when I took a break from blogging.

Stress Management

Can you be stress out about a stress management class???....surely not....I registered for a 2 week stress management class, this summer. (It also counts as my elective)My friend Lynne took it last year and said is was wonderful. I was de-stressing down in Florida, visiting my family...otherwise we could have taken it together. Anyways, there are only 3 other students who signed up besides me. I think we only need two more students, before they cancel the classes. I was so looking forward to it....Of course registration, just started last week, and there are procrastinators out there (not like me, who counted down the days til registration) I guess if I miss out, I can find a yoga class just take a slow deep breath......just breathe...

Rainy Days......

So much for the sunny, warm is cold and rainy...but what better way to turn a frown upside down, than trying out a potato soup recipe I found.....Yummy... Panera's Cream Cheese Potato Soup Ingredients * 4 cups chicken broth * 4 cups peeled and cubed potatoes * 1/4 cup minced onion * 1/2 teaspoon seasoning salt * 1/4 teaspoon white pepper * 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper * 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, cut into chunks Directions 1. Combine broth, potatoes, onion, and spices. 2. Boil on medium heat until potatoes are tender. 3. Smash a few of the potatoes to release their starch for thickening. 4. Reduce to low heat. 5. Add cream cheese. 6. Heat, stirring frequently, until cheese melts. Okay, it may not be the true Panera's recipe, but it was delicious. Now that my tummy is full, back to reading my material for Wednesday night's class. So, B...

Happy Frist Day of Spring!!

Happy first day of Spring everyone. Well to me Spring and flower crafts go hand in hand. I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up this free craft project..... Then I found 3 stems true touch rose bud, and a small bag of river stones...I already had the rose vase and the moss....I thought I had the natural raffia, but that will be my next trip to the craft store... And c'est a la magnifique....

Spring is in the air

"The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it’s scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.” Therese of Lisieux Okay, the weather is wonderful today. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the sky is a beautiful blue, and flowers are blooming. Last August I bought my house, and before winter I had the front yard landscaped with the help of friends. Now, I can't wait to start on the side of the house. My plans eventually lead to the back yard, for a relaxing retreat. I found this picture, and thought "perfect". It won't happen this year, but maybe some day. A girl can only dream. For now, I am just going to enjoy the sunshine and my day off. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring, the Vernal Equinox. I am so ready for Spring to begin and I am already enjoying the sun being out a little bit longer in the evening. So everyone enjoy and embrace Sp...

Happy St Patrick's Day

Happy St Patrick's Day everyone.....ready for green beer, green cupcakes, corned beef and cabbage.....We are all wearing green today at work (supposed to wear pink)but no-one wants to get pinched. In the spirit of the day I even have St Patrick's Day socks on.....Wishing all good fortune and go and find the four leaf clovers and enjoy the day....May your day be filled with shamrock's and gold at the end of the rainbow.

Happy Pi Day

∏ I hope every one enjoys Pi Day, today. Now I prefer to eat pie, than discuss the relevance of Pi. My favorite is pecan pie....I have used a wonderful recipe from Family Circle (9/1/98) called Carol Thomas's Pecan it is hard to believe I have been making that pie every year for the past 12 years, time sure flies. I usually make it at Christmas time, but maybe I need to make it on March 14th. I always made 2, one for work or whatever function I was attending, and then one for my boys....Of course none of my pies compare to Miss Faye's Here is Carol Thomas's recipe: 1 ready to use--roll out pie crust (this is why my pie cannot compare to Miss Faye's) 1/2cup butterscotch chips 1 cup pecan pieces 1/2 stick unsalted butter, melted 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup white corn syrup 2 eggs 1. Heat oven to 350 (degrees) 2. Unfold pie crust into 9 inch pie pan. Scatter butterscotch chips and pecan pieces in pie shell. 3. Beat together butter, sugar, corn syrup and eggs in mediu...

Fat Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday----Celebrating "Fat Tuesday with pancakes and doughnuts...two of my favorite meals. My church is having a Pancake Dinner tonight, with pancake races and Mardi Gras King & Queen. The Confirmands will prepare the ashes for Ash Wednesday by burning last years's Palm branches. Wish I could go, I have class tonight, but I will be there in spirit. To everyone else enjoy....Happy Fat Tuesday to YOU!!!!