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Showing posts from June, 2009

Memorial Tree

I have been receiving some very kind comments on my last post about my scrapbook for my Jonny.....yes it is very therapuetic....along with the book and this blog I have done a balloon release with a grieving support group and bought a tree to be planted at my church....I still go through the stages of grief, and will for quite some time, but I still have the support of family, friends and co-workers... I check Jonny's My Space to read the messages his friends continue send...he loved his friends and they love him....


Busy working on Jonny's scrapbook....on top of that the frig went out.....trying to remedy that situation..... I am working on the high school aspect of my Jonny's life.....the football, track and was Jonny's favorite....after months of grueling practice....finally getting to play the first game in his freshman year, Jonny broke his leg in the first practice afterward.....but that did not discourage him.....he played varsity his sophmore, junior and senior years....making all confrence and all south.....he won awards in wrestling and of his friends wrote in the questbook at his memorial service .."to the man who couldn't be stopped".....but Jonny was modest about his awards, he just loved the game and being part of the team....he wanted everyone to be a part of the team...and no one to be left out...and like his big brother Brandon, he made friends easily...I am proud of both of my sons....

Food, Food, Food

Well the slumber party was a blast, we did karaoke, played games, watched "He's Not That Into You" and "New in Town"....along with that we had tons of great food....I brought three appetizers that I tried for the first time.... Spinach dip.....the ultimate stuffed mushroom and festive crab cakes.....Yummmy!!!!!!!!! Spinach Dip: frozen spinach drained cubed velveeta cheese cubed cream cheese 1 can diced tomatoes with chiles real bacon bits Mix and microwave....2 - 5 minutes on high, just enough to melt the can serve with crackers or tortilla chips Crystal shared a new recipe of frozen grapes....shown in the picture above...I thought I would try is so easy... Frozen Grapes: Place a packet of cherry flavored jello into a plastic bag, add red grapes.....shake grapes around ( you know shake and bake style) .....then freeze the grapes....they are delious....

Slumber Party

My friend Crystal is having a slumber party this weekend......Instead of "Girls Night Out" we are having "Girls Night In".....we have been trying to get together, but between floodings, inland hurricanes and holidays, we have yet to make it....soooooooooooooo Crystal, Lynne, Peggy, Lisa and I are going to eat lots of good food, play games, and have great know catch up..... Yesterday I was fortunate enough to go back stage and watch Melanie Walker tape her christian show on "Come on In" exciting....just as exciting as seeing her up on stage at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville next week....she is so gifted in voice and ministry.....

Honest Scrap Award

I have just recently started my blog and Eileen from Umma's World , was the first to post comments. Through her blog and her comments to my post I can tell she is a very gracious and kind woman, who loves her family. I am honored to be awarded the "Honest Scrap", and hope to carry it on to seven of the many inspiring blogs that I follow. I am grateful and thankful that Eileen and my paths have crossed through our blog sites. Now on to the rules of acceptance. 1. Say thanks for the award and give a link to the presenter. 2. Share ten honest things about yourself. 3. Present this award to seven other blogs. 4. Tell them of this award and the rules. Here are 10 honest things about myself: 1. I have learned to let people help me, and I can still be independant, without trying to do everything all by myself. 2. I am truly blessed with friends and family. I always knew how much they meant to me, though I had not realized this til six months ago, how much I meant to them. 3. I a...

Grand Ole Opry House

Back from a weekend in Nashville, TN....Sunday Morning Country 30 year celebration, at the Grand Ole Opry House....what a treat....such great voices....great music...and great fellowship.... This is my second year and I am ready to go back, next year....all these talented people donating their time....there to serve the Lord It was a beautiful drive to a beautiful city....a nice get-away....

Crafty Days

It has been so long since I have enjoyed doing crafts, but after viewing this site.... ... I have been bitten by the "craft bug"...I have sent this site to my sister and friends who also revel and delight in crafting.... I also came across a free recycling crafts ebook on this site .... how green is this.... My sister got me started on scrapbookking....I am making a scrapbook of the memories of my son is a slow many memories....when I am done I will make one for my son Brandon, we have so many new memories to do not realize all the aspects of your children's lives until you view all the pictures....

I'm Back

What an exhilarating, exciting, jubilant weekend.....the Laughter Yoga Workshop has brought my friend and I such a delightful weekend.... I did not know laughter could be such a great workout, and bring so much energy and relaxation at the same stress was alleviated......and yet I felt I could take on whatever life brings me.... In addition, I made new friends.....a group of awesome people....there was so much positivity (is that a word), affirmative, optmistic feel that you can throw your inhibitions to the wayside....and reach out to people.... I would encourage any one to go join a laughter yoga group or de-stress and re-energize and improve your mental/physical health...

Laughter Yoga

I am on my way to Chicago this weekend with my friend Lynne, to attend a Laughter Yoga Workshop....they say laughter is the best is a great way to destress....70% of illness such as heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression are stress addition laughter is infectious , free and does not require thinking ......what a concept... Well Lynne and I are ready for this workshop weekend, after a long week....a time to destress, relax and get caught up on friendships....maybe we can bring back what we learned and teach it to, do, teach.....spread the laughter...

Rain, Rain, Rain

Another rainy day....I love to sit and read when it is raining outside.....when my boys were little I used to read to them, before Brandon was school age, I would take him to the weekly story-time at the local library....he enjoyed hearing a new story every week.....but enjoy reading again until he was in Jr High.....his class assignment was to read the book "The Outsiders".....and now he reads James Patterson novels.....I have enjoyed reading all my sister and I would walk to the library and get a stack full of books, every week.....she always liked the classics, and would tell me all about what she 5th grade teacher introduced our class to Little House on the Prairie, after reading to the class I went to the library and checked out all the Laura Ingalls a young child I read all the Bobsey Twin I mostly read text books.... but I still find time to squeeze in a little novel or too


My friend broke her ankle, while cleaning up from our storm on May 8 th . We don't realize how much of our independence is taken from us when we are injured. How much we have to rely on others to help us out. We are so used to coming and going as we please. We take these things for granted. Four years ago I had gall bladder surgery, and Jonny was taking care of me instead of me taking care of him. Although I was fortunate and grateful for my sons deeds, it was very frustrating to have to rely on some one. Well my friend is on the mend, and is able to get out of the house, even if it is for a small window of time...she is blessed with family, just I was blessed with family and friends.....and in the end we, through the days, we have yet another chapter in our book called "Life"